Monday, 27 March 2023


  Of course the true goal of all demagogues is ‘Absolute Power’.  Many have tried it. Most fail. But a few succeed, at least temporarily, but the cost is always paid in the blood of the innocents.  The Muslim, the Jew, the Disabled, the Romany, the Immigrant, the Other.

This is the only path to power for ‘The Demagogue’, for in civil times they are naturally abhorrent to all decent people everywhere.   Thus do they choose their moment to demonise ‘The Other’, to rouse the rabble to their cause and, with a heady blend of concocted fears, they instil cowardice into the hearts of the masses.  First to fall under their authority is the poor, for demagogues always recruit those who are economically weak first.  The poor are ever vulnerable to poisonous words, to the slander and defamation of ‘The Other’. Everybody needs somebody to blame?

And it is always the same set of fears that these malcontents use to gain standing in our communities, for the hearts of men do not change with the passage of time.  Men fear difference, the fear of skin colour is real, as is the fear of sexual orientation, the fear of privation, the fear the Jew, the socialist, the Muslim, ‘The Swarm’.

This vile demagoguery always targets those who are without voice, and sadly it is always the poor of a nation who succumb first to this hate filled propaganda, for none are so fearful as the poor.  But be not confused.  The middle classes, and the wealthy are not immune to this brand of ‘hate speech’ and alas, the more this inciter of hate, the provocateurs of false-odium are allowed to go unchallenged, the more hearts he or she infects with their poison, and the more they are championed, until at last a nation is swayed, then is the fear of the undefined darkness unleashed.

The ‘Fear of the undefined’ is the Demagogue’s primary pathway to success.  ‘Undefined Terror’ is the best recruiter for Fascists, and it always works.  It is and always has been, the preferred choice of the truly successful Demagogue, at least in the very beginning of their climb to power.

So what is their path?  Well firstly they promote some nebulous threat that never quite materialises.  Then, ever the opportunists, they latch on to some random event, some unexpected tragedy and yell, “See, I told you!”  But it is never real – not by any empirical measure that any sane man could employ to calculate the truth of their claims... which is of course why their poison works so well.

‘Un-defined Terror’ is the beginning.  It is the perfect tool which can transmogrify their grotesque posturing into faux reality.  It alters to their need anything untowards, any random happenstance, for any shock can be adapted to suit their requirement.  If they are too specific too early, their messianic call to arms falls by the wayside, as sane and civil men can easily see through their bullshit, just as men saw through Enoch Powell’s vile rhetoric to leave him in disgrace.

No - the truly successful Demagogue will never clearly articulate the exact measure of the supposed threat to those they are trying to recruit, to a public already stretched by economic circumstance.

Instead this vague threat, this shadowy terror that lurks just beyond the borders of our reality, waiting to pounce on our unsuspecting children; to ravage our wives, to take our jobs, to steal our homes, to spill our life’s-blood upon the pavement of an already broken society, matches our collective desire to blame somebody for our woes and God knows, this engineered blame is never allowed to fall upon the head of those who are the real cause of all our troubles.  That is not the Demagogues goal at all.  Indeed to awaken the masses to the real threat to their economic tribulations, their physical survival, is directly counter to the needs of the demagogue, for such would tear down the Establishment’s apathy to the real threat the Demagogue poses.  No – that comes later when the Demagogue is well and truly established in the hearts and minds of the people.  Only then do they let loose their own brand of terror upon the world.

Hitler did not gain power by saying from the start... “Let’s kill all Jews”.

No - Hitler gained power piecemeal, in careful incremental steps.  From the very beginning he was an abhorrent failure; right up until the moment he wasn’t, and by then it was too late.  By the time the Establishment truly understood what he was, the die was cast, and whatever capacity they once possessed to destroy this demon was gone.  And even then the Nazi’s did not go immediately to the extremes of mass murder.  Instead they took their time, removing one small human right at a time.  One small measure of human dignity removed from one small section of society at a time.  And upon this ill-defined ‘Other’ who always lurked in the shadows ready to wreck a ruin upon the nation, they burned the world

“When Listening To Liars Expect To Hear Lies.”

Today you see similar horse manure being spouted every day by Right-Wing extremists (Fascists) in every country, on every news channel.  And bit by bit our government of Fascists remove your human rights to complain, to protest, to challenge their perfidy.  They do it piecemeal, wearing a nice Gucci suit as they gurn mindlessly for the TV cameras, promising to stamp down on anti-social behaviour; to stop the invasion of so called illegal immigrants.  They promise us a Golden Future, but it is a future built upon human suffering and bullshit, and you my friends are the fodder upon which they feed.

You see this bullshit in the extremes of Vladimir Putin’s brand of Gangsterism today in Ukraine and Russia, and with his agents here in the United Kingdom of Great Britain, aided and abetted by an establishment too stupid, too servile, too corrupt, too greedy to see what he and his servants really are, and the existential threat they truly pose to Decency, Democracy, and Peace.

Your true enemy is not The Poor.

Your true enemy is not The Immigrant.

Your true enemy is not The Jew.

Your true enemy is not The Muslim.

Your true enemy is the Demagogue. The Nigel Farage’s of this world, the Tufton Street Pillaging  Club, the super rich who shit on you from their ivory towers whilst commanding their lackeys to torment you in their rancid newspapers.  Your enemies are those who scream about their patriotism and their love of God, but care not to follow his commands to ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’.

These people are Fascists.  They are Post-Modern Nazi’s who slander fellow citizens who dare to give voice to wanting a nation of kindness and tolerance, love and humility, compassion and courage.

Our fathers taught us what to do with Fascists. It is way past time to learn the lesson they handed down to us...

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